Thank you

to WCRP!

for donating
Over the past decade, rents, housing prices, and property values in Philadelphia have skyrocketed. While this has been great for some, 20% of all households, many of whom have lived in their neighborhoods for years, spend more than 50% of their income on their housing costs and are in danger of being squeezed out.
WCRP works to create more affordable homes, organizes communities to advocate for themselves, and develops local leadership in order to ensure the most vulnerable in our communities are not displaced.
By making a contribution, you are building a city in which all people have access to decent, affordable housing. Thank you.
Donate to the Women's Community Revitalization Project with Paypal. Click the button below to get started.
Mail a check to: 100 West Oxford St, Suite E-2300, Philadelphia, PA 19122, Attn: Christine Powell
United Way Donation Number – 09381
Combined Federal Campaign Donation number - 21388
TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE KAREN DONNALLY FAMILY EMERGENCY FUND, contact Christine Powell, Administrative Coordinator, 215-627-5550 ext. 206, cpowell@wcrpphila.org
View our donor privacy policy.
Charity Navigator is America's premier independent charity evaluator. They help charitable givers make intelligent giving decisions by providing in-depth, objective ratings and analysis of the financial health and accountability & transparency of America's largest charities. Charity Navigator awarded Women's Community Revitalization Project four out of a possible four stars. Receiving four out of a possible four stars indicates that Women's Community Revitalization Project adheres to good governance and other best practices that minimize the chance of unethical activities and consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way. Please click on the logo to review our four star rating.